About Us



Owers Kezzy from Compton Ca and Kia from Detroit MI met as co-workers in Atlanta Ga. We clicked as soon as we met. We shared a lot of the same interests, love to laugh, and have the same smart-ass mouth and sarcastic nature. one of the biggest similarities is that we just wanted more out of life.


 We decided that we wanted to open a business with a combined interest. We noticed how frames can add the finishing touch to the perfect outfit or spice up an everyday look. Have you ever notice that when you try on shades you usually pose when you look in the mirror? That's confidence and we want to provide that feeling. So The SmartAss Look was born. 


We want every woman to reach for the stars and to look like one while doing it.  Just know that behind every frame is love and appreciation. Now go shine bitch!


  • Learn, Grow, Repeat